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Raw Materials for Early Musical Instruments

Lead Wire
Lead is a very soft, highly malleable, ductile and dense metal. Lead has a bluish-white colour when freshly cut, but tarnishes to a dull greyish colour when exposed to air. It is highly resistant to corrosion.

Lead wire is used to weight and counterbalance the keys and jacks of the keyboarded instruments. Inserting lead wire in the keys and jacks is preferably to pour melted lead as fumes can be toxic.

We offer pre-cut lead wire of several dimensions in bags containing 100 pieces each.

Cork is the thick, rugged bark of the Cork Oak tree (Quercus suber). The harvesting of cork (every 9 to 12 years) does not harm the tree and a new layer of cork re-grows.

Cork's elasticity combined with its near-impermeability makes it suitable for musical instruments, particularly woodwind instruments, where it is used to fasten together segments of the instrument, making the seams airtight.

Conducting baton handles are also often made out of cork.

Agglomerated cork is not suitable for woodwind instruments as it breaks easily, but we offer it because you can use for other purposes (clamps, mat, protection, stop for keys, etc.)

The solid cork blocks are grouped in the market into eight classes according to the degree of defects on the cork surface. These defects appear in the form of random-shaped holes, cracks, and others. We only keep a stock of the best quality.

Hide Glue
Traditional granulated glue, creates the strongest wood joints and allows disassembly later with a hot knife. Hydrating your own hide glue and melting in a glue pot (better if electric) is the best way to go.

[More about hide glue and other wood adhesives]

Among all the animal glues that are produced, we choose the best suited for musical instrument making: Gram strength (bloom) is 256.

Aliphatic Glue
Aliphatic is usually known as yellow wood glue because it is often stained in this colour in order to be distinguished from PVA glue (usually white).   Aliphatic glue sets harder than PVA glue giving better sanding and will take a stain. Also has longer joint open time but faster grab. Used when durable long lasting joints are needed. Ideal for applications with hardwoods and, for that reason, used in musical instruments making, picture frames etc. or where extreme accuracy is needed. Sets at low temp. Water resistant.

Skins and leather






Hitch pins


Screws, Bolts and Nuts



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Last modification: 03 de mayo de 2019
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