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Portative Organ

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Portative Organ

En: Portative Organ, Portatif organ, Portativ organ, Portative, Portatif, Portativ, Es: Armonio, Órgano portátil, Órgano portativo, Órgano de mano, Fr: Orgue portativ, De: Handorgeln, Portativ, Torsellum, It: Ninfale, Organetto, Organino, Eo: Portativo, Fi: Portatiivi, Kantourut, Nl: Portatief, Pl: Portatyw, Sv: Portativ
  Angel playing organetto - 16th century  
  Angel playing organetto - 16th century from the Evreux Cathedral  

The Portative Organ was one of the most popular instruments of the thirteenth through sixteenth centuries. Relatively light in weight, the instrument, when equipped with a sling, could be carried about and played in religious processions. The player provides his own wind supply by pumping a bellows made of sheepskin and wood with his left hand while playing a button type keyboard of approximately two octaves with his right hand.

Because of its limited air supply, the Portative Organ could only play one note at a time. Thus it was used for monophonic dance music, or a single part in a motet, chanson, or other polyphonic work.

Pipes are arranged in one or two rows and have a high lead content. The key action is mechanical: depressing a key allows air from the bellows to enter the appropriate pipe. Although the Portative Organ is tuned in Pythagorean temperament, other temperaments are possible by pushing harder or more lightly on the bellows.

[more about the Portative Organ]


Portative Organ

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RWC Portative Organ

  Angel playing organetto  

The Renaissance Workshop Company Ltd. produces two Portative Organs. They are the culmination of extensive research into the construction of very many small portable organs.

The metal pipes operate on only 2 inches of air pressure from the single stroke bellows and produce a clear full sound. Shorter musical passages can be played with ease whilst longer passages are played by 'phrasing' the music to give a space (in the same way a singer takes a breath) to re-charge the bellows.

Both are made from selected oak for all the casework parts, which are finished to a very high standard with all mouldings pre-cut and hand made pipes individually voiced and tuned before final fitting and setting up of the finished organ.

Each instrument is entirely hand built by 'in-house' experienced craftsmen to special order in our own workshops in Toledo (Spain) to the highest standard of craftsmanship. They come with 12 months warranty and 12 months free access to our 'helpline' for advice on setting up, playing and maintenance.

The 1ft Medieval Portative Organ (F-ORP-1) is a miniature organ of traditional construction in almost every detail. The instrument is supported by a leather strap slung over the shoulder and played with one hand leaving the other free to operate the bellows. Our 1ft Portative has a simple pallet action and 12 hand made pipes.

Disposition: 12 notes c' - g'' (diatonic range). Size: 18"/14" (46cm/36cm) high, 12" (30cm) wide, 4"(10cm) deep. Weight: 8lbs (3.5kg).

  2' portative organ and organ kit  
  RWC 2ft portative Organ Finished & Kit   

The 2ft Portative Organ (F-ORP-2) is a small organ of traditional construction in almost every detail. The instrument is played in a seated position, the bellows are blown with one hand leaving the other free for the keyboard. Our 2ft Portative Organ has a conventional mechanical action and 25 hand made pipes.

Disposition: 25 notes c - c'' (chromatic range). Size: 38"/24" (96cm/60cm) high, 17" (44cm) wide, 14" (34cm) deep. Weight: 42lbs (19kg).


Portative Organ

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Portative Organ Kit

  1' portative organ and organ kit  
  RWC 1ft portative Organ Kit w/o pipes  

The same instruments are offered in kit form for home assembly.

The price includes the license to build one instrument for private use and 12 months free access to our 'helpline' for advice on construction, setting up, playing and maintenance.

To ensure success, even for the first time builder, each kit includes:
A fully dimensioned life-size drawing and working template,
A manual with clear and concise step-by-step full assembly instructions.
A set of photographs illustrating further each stage.

These organ kits have been designed throughout for accuracy and ease of assembly. The construction of the bellows of a hand blown organ is the most complicated part of its assembly. The bellows in our kit have been specially designed to be simple to make yet effective for playing. The keys and keybed are pre-drilled leaving no margin for error and the soundboard is fully formed with all windways/boring completed.

All the casework parts are machined to size from solid oak and have the detailed edge mouldings pre-cut (oak veneered plywood is used where stability is essential). Lime pallets, rosewood keys, white leather, split skin, deer skin, balance pins, pallet springs, felt, washers and fixings are all included. 'Spotted' metal pipes, voiced ready for final tuning, complete this comprehensive kit.

Our 1ft Portative Organ Kit (K-ORP-1) builds into a truly portable little organ with a diatonic range of 12 notes c' - g''.  Traditionally difficult parts such as the bellows have been carefully designed to be straightforward to make and the soundboard is fully formed with all the windways and boring completed.

Disposition: c' - g'', 12 notes. Size: 30cm wide, 10cm deep, 45cm high. Weight: 4kg

Includes leather carrying strap.

1ft Portative Organ kit without pipes (K-ORP-1W). Start building a 1ft portative organ for less than 1/2 price. Build a 1ft portative organ for the minimum outlay. This version of our 1ft portative organ kit supplies everything except the metal pipes leaving you the option to purchase them later when all the woodworking is finished.

  2' portative organ and organ kit  
  RWC 2ft portative Organ Finished & Kit   

Our 2ft Portative Organ Kit (K-ORP-2) builds into a portable table top organ with a fully chromatic range of 25 notes c - c''. Traditionally difficult parts such as the bellows have been carefully designed to be straightforward to make and the soundboard is fully formed with all the windways and boring completed.

Lime pallets, rosewood keys, white leather, split skin, deer skin, balance pins, pallet springs, felt, washers and fixings are all included.

Disposition: c - c'', 25 notes. Size: 44cm wide, 34cm deep, 99cm high. Weight: 19kg

2ft Portative Organ kit without pipes (K-ORP-2W). Start building a 2ft portative organ for less than 1/2 price. Build a 2ft portative organ for the minimum outlay. This version of our 2ft portative organ kit supplies everything except the metal pipes leaving you the option to purchase them later when all the woodworking is finished.


Portative Organ

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Portative Organ Technical Plan

  2' portative organ and organ kit  
  RWC 2ft portative Organ Kit w/o pipes  

You can make the same Portative Organ from scratch, following detailed step-by-step instructions through the construction process in a clear and concise manner.

A fully dimensioned life-size drawing with templates and a set of photographs illustrate each stage.

The price includes the license to build one instrument for private use and 12 months free access to our 'helpline' for advice on construction, setting up, playing and maintenance.

This icon indicates that you can choose between the hard copy of the documents sent by postal mail, or the downloadable electronic files, in pdf format to your computer. In order to view and print the pdf files, you need the free 'Acrobat Reader' program installed in your computer. Life-size drawings require large printers. Electronic documents have a reduced price, don't have shipping costs, but are non-refundable.

1ft Portative Organ Plan: hard copy (P-ORP-1) or electronic files (D-ORP-1).

2ft Portative Organ Plan: hard copy (P-ORP-2) or electronic files (D-ORP-2).


Portative Organ

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Portative Organ Accessories and Spare Parts

  RWC Organ pipes  
  RWC Organ pipes  

Set of pipes for 1ft portative Organ (K-ORP-1P). A set of 12 pipes, hand made in spotted metal, individually voiced ready for final tuning when fitted to your finished instrument. Diatonic range c' - g''

Set of pipes for 2ft portative Organ (K-ORP-2P). A set of 25 pipes, hand made in spotted metal, individually voiced ready for final tuning when fitted to your finished instrument. Chromatic range c - c''.



Portative Organ

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Portative Organ Availability and delivery time

Not all of the items listed on our site are available immediately. Products without a reference nor a price are rarely available for quick dispatch. If you are interested in them, please contact us.

We publish standard availability, which means that this product usually ships in that time since it has been ordered. But at the specific time of your order, that interval can be longer or smaller depending on many production factors.  In addition, you still will have to wait for your product to arrive (delivery time). [More info about availability & delivery dates]

  Finished Instrument   Three months  
  Kit   Three weeks  
  Drawing   Three days  

Portative Organ

Finished | Kits | Plans | Fittings

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Portative Organ Configuration, References and Prices


Check the offers:
In April up to 25% Off


Price [1]

  Organ - 1 ft. Portative
  Finished Instrument                
    Portative 1'-Organ   F-ORP-1   Finished   1622.09  RWC  
  Kit + drawing + instructions + license                
    Portative 1'-Organ (KORP1 = KORP1W + KORP1P)   K-ORP-1   Kit   748.89  RWC  
    Portative 1'-Organ, without pipes   K-ORP-1W   Kit   405.06  RWC  
  Drawing + instructions + license                
    Portative 1'-Organ. Hard copy.   P-ORP-1   Printed Plan   81.66  RWC  
    Portative 1'-Organ. PDF file.   D-ORP-1   Downloadable Plan   65.33  RWC  
  Accessories and Spares                
    Portative 1'-Organ. Pipes only   K-ORP-1P   Kit   422.09  RWC  
  Organ - 2 ft. Portative
  Finished Instrument                
    Portative 2'-Organ   F-ORP-2   Finished   3554.00  RWC  
  Kit + drawing + instructions + license                
    Portative 2'-Organ (KORP2 = KORP2W + KORP2P)   K-ORP-2   Kit   2 255.28  RWC  
    Portative 2'-Organ, without pipes   K-ORP-2W   Kit   1 106.34  RWC  
  Drawing + instructions + license                
    Portative 2'-Organ. Hard copy.   P-ORP-2   Printed Plan   103.79  RWC  
    Portative 2'-Organ. PDF file.   D-ORP-2   Downloadable Plan   83.03  RWC  
  Accessories and Spares                
    Portative 2'-Organ. Pipes only   K-ORP-2P   Kit   1 227.19  RWC  

[1] Price, Payment and Ordering Information

Prices and Exchange rates
All published prices are exclusive of VAT and shipping costs. They are shown in RWC.
The following exchange rates are valid on April 28th, 2020. See other conditions

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1 RWC= 1.585

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Copyright © 1999 Renaissance Workshop Company Ltd.
Last modification: 03 de mayo de 2019
Phone:(+34) 91 450 30 50